It would serve the organisation, the CEO and the CFO's agenda when the finance function is aligned to the business strategy, and provides financial analysis and insight to support corporate decision making. Needless to mention, meeting the legal and regulatory obligations are a given. With a global network of professionals, financial management is able to bring the right people, with the right skills, to the right place at the right time to assist helping organisations to become business leaders. Aimed at helping to enhance finance function's performance and increase its value to the business, we at EvenDigits in India provide a range of financial management services under our three service networks - efficient finance operations, effective decision support and finance strategy & transformation.
Finance Strategy and Transformation helps a client to define the role of finance in driving the strategic business imperatives. It helps the CFO to clearly articulate its Finance vision and strategy, analyze the performance of the finance function, and develop a future state operating model that is fit for purpose.
This involves a wide ranging review of the finance function, matching performance to business requirements and diagnosing areas for improvement across the finance landscape. It includes the following offerings:
This service network helps clients deliver a fit-for-purpose financial planning and performance management framework in order to help the business to make better decisions. It includes the following offerings:
EvenDigits helps its clients to achieve an efficient working capital position and facilitate release of cash to fund additional growth initiatives. An efficient working capital management programme includes; robust systems, streamlined processes and management rigour with respect to costs and controls resulting in release of cash. We help clients in improving their cash operating cycles by reducing float in various finance processes and by building frameworks for effective cash forecasting Click here to view the EvenDigits 360 degree framework to optimise working capital.
What is in it for you?
Potential profit can be lost because companies do not know the correct cost of their product, clients, and channels. Often, potential profit can be lost because companies are not able to obtain relevant and accurate cost for their pack,brand, product, customer, channel or region in a regular and automated manner. EvenDigits helps its clients to design processes and effective cost center hierarchies to gain insights into cost drivers to identify inefficiencies, especially product costs to enable adequate analysis. This helps clients obtain timely insightful information, focus on business drivers and helps enhance the available capacity (people, infrastructure, resources, etc.).
What is in it for you?
An efficient finance function helps identify and deliver specific improvements in order to unlock value and resources thus freeing up time for improved decision support activities. It is founded on a robust platform of integrated operational/transactional finance activities.
This service network includes the following offerings:
Finance Shared Services & Outsourcing assists clients in developing finance service delivery strategies and approaches that can include shared services, outsourcing, centers of excellence/off shoring, as well as suggestions of what should be retained at corporate and in the business units. EvenDigits facilitates analyzing and confirming financial and operational baseline, evaluating alternative target operating model options, developing future-state operating models and assistance in stages of migration /transition. The other key areas of assistance include location assessment, evaluation of sourcing strategy, stakeholder alignment and optimization /expansion of existing service delivery models. This service network includes offerings covering Finance Shared Services Delivery Model Strategy, Design, Implementation and Optimization.